Settaggi FFB per rFactor

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  1. Master+

    User deleted

    Ciao ragazzi,
    comunico queste impostazioni testate da DeDios, supporter dello Slipangle per le impostazioni del FFB. Sono impostazioni per il DFP va vanno bene anche per il G25 (testato personalmente).

    La MOD delle F12006 installa il plugin del RealFFB, quindi si andrà a modificare anche i parametri modificati dal PlugIn.

    1) Aprite il vostro controller.ini (si trova in rfactor\UserData\vostronome), Sostituite in blocco la parte identica presente all'interno con questa: (prima fate un backup)

    [ Force Feedback ]
    FFB Device Type="1" // Type of FFB controller: 0=none 1=wheel, 2=stick/custom, 3=rumble pad.
    FFB Effects Level="1" // Number of FFB effects to use: 0=No Effects, 1=Low, 2=Medium, 3=High, 4=Full, 5=Custom.
    FFB Gain="1.00000" // Strength of Force Feedback effects. Range 0.0 to 1.0.
    FFB Throttle FX on steer axis="1" // 0 = Throttle effects on throttle axis, 1 = throttle effects on steering axis.
    FFB Brake FX on steer axis="1" // 0 = Brake effects on brake axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.
    FFB steer vibe freq mult="0.20000" // Controls frequency of steering vibration. Recommended: 0.5 to 1.0, 0.0 disables steering vibration.
    FFB steer vibe zero magnitude="0.03500" // Magnitude of steering vibration at 0mph (reference point).
    FFB steer vibe slope="0.00000" // Slope of line defining magnitude as a function of frequency (used with FFB steer vibe zero magnitude).
    FFB steer vibe wave type="0" // Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
    FFB steer force average weight="0.60000" // How much weight is given to new steering force calculations each frame (0.01 - 1.0). Lower values will smooth out the steering force, but will also add latency.
    FFB steer force exponent="0.80000" // Steering force output "sensitivity". Range 0.0 to infinity. 0.0 to 1.0 = higher sensitivity, greater than 1.0 = lower sensitivity.
    FFB steer force input max="-11500.00000" // Recommended: 11500 (-11500 if controller pulls in the wrong direction).
    FFB steer force output max="2.00000" // Maximum force output of steering force, recommendation 0.8 to 2.0
    FFB steer force grip weight="0.90000" // Range 0.0 to 1.0, recommended: 0.4 to 0.9. How much weight is given to tire grip when calculating steering force.
    FFB steer force grip factor="0.40000" // Range 0.0 to 1.0, recommended: 0.2 to 0.6 (previously hardcoded to 0.4). How much of a factor the front wheel grip is on the steering weight.
    FFB steer front grip fract="0.00000" // Range 0.0 to 1.0 (previous hardcoded value was 0.0), additional effect of front grip loss on steering force
    FFB steer update threshold="0.00000" // Amount of change required to update steer force/vibe (0.0 - 1.0). Lower values = steering force updated more frequently = lower frame rate.
    FFB steer friction coefficient="0.17500" // Coefficient to use for steering friction. Range: -1.0 to 1.0
    FFB steer friction saturation="1.00000" // Saturation value to use for steering friction. Range: 0 - 1.0
    FFB steer damper coefficient="0.17500" // Coefficient to use for steering damper. Range: -1.0 to 1.0
    FFB steer damper saturation="1.00000" // Saturation value to use for steering damper. Range: 0 - 1.0
    FFB throttle vibe freq mult="0.17000" // Scales actual engine frequency to force FFB vibration frequency. Suggested range: 0.10 to 0.50
    FFB throttle vibe zero magnitude="0.09000" // Magnitude of engine vibration at 0rpm (reference point).
    FFB throttle vibe slope="0.00000" // Slope of line defining magnitude as a function of frequency (used with FFB throttle vibe zero magnitude).
    FFB throttle vibe wave type="0" // Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
    FFB throttle vibe update thresh="0.08000" // Amount of change required to update throttle vibe (0.0 - 1.0)
    FFB brake vibe freq mult="0.90000" // Scales actual brake rotational frequency to force feedback vibration frequency.
    FFB brake vibe zero magnitude="0.10000" // Magnitude of brake vibration at 0mph (reference point).
    FFB brake vibe slope="0.00000" // Slope of line defining magnitude as a function of frequency (used with FFB brake vibe zero magnitude).
    FFB brake vibe wave type="0" // Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
    FFB brake vibe update thresh="0.05000" // Amount of change required to update brake vibe (0.0 to 1.0)
    FFB rumble strip magnitude="0.35000" // How strong the rumble strip rumble is. Range 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 disables effect.
    FFB rumble strip freq mult="0.60000" // Rumble stip frequency multiplier 1.0 = one rumble per wheel rev.
    FFB rumble strip wave type="0" // Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
    FFB rumble strip pull factor="-1.50000" // How strongly wheel pulls right/left when running over a rumble strip. Suggested range: -1.5 to 1.5.
    FFB rumble strip update thresh="0.07500" // Amount of change required to update rumble strip effect (0.0 - 1.0)
    FFB jolt magnitude="1.00000" // How strong jolts from other cars (or walls) are. Suggested Range: -2.0 to 2.0.

    salvate e chiudete tutto..

    ------------ O ------------

    2) Aprite il pannello di controllo logitech, e..impostate i valori così:

    Gradi di rotazione: 540°

    Attivate il ritorno di forza

    Forza effetti globale: 120%

    Forza effetto molla: 0%

    Forza effetto ammortizzatore: 0%

    Attivate la molla di centratura ma impostate la Forza molla di centratura a 0%

    ------------ O ------------

    3) Settings in rFactor

    Menù Impostazioni, controlli, tendina "sensibilità":

    Sensibilità digitale sterzo 50%
    Sensibilità digitale gas 50%
    Sensibilità digitale freni 50%
    Sensibilità digitale frizione 50%
    Sensibilità alla velocità 0% <----IMPORTANTE
    Guarda avanti 0% qui potete anche arrivare al 35% (è il loock to apex di GTR2) vi fa girare la testa nell'inserimento in curva nella direzione della curva (ideale per visionare il punto di corda)
    Movimento del capo 0% se volete potete anche aumentarla ma con il valore al 100% come nella mod F12006 è molto dura nn avere il maldipancia.
    Deviazione amplificata 0%

    Tendina "Force Feedback":
    Effetti del force feedback: basso <---IMPORTANTE
    Forza del Force Feedback: -100%
    Steering Force: 100%
    Steering Damper Sat: 0%
    Steering Damper: 20%
    Jolt Magnitude: 0%

    ------------ O ------------

    4) Passiamo ai settaggi consigliati per il RealFF

    Aprite il RealFeelPlugin.ini (in X:programmi\rFactor) e..alla voce general, sostituite i valori presenti con questi:


    Qualche settaggio per un paio di auto:

    Ferrari F430 challenge, auto 2008:


    Porsce Cup 1.1 Enduracers:

    [Cup 2006-2007]

    PCC07 GSMF:


    Se il FFB vi sembra troppo tosto, smanettate con ctrl +9 per diminuire la forza, e ctrl + 7 per aumentarla di nuovo.

    Buon settaggio :)

    Edited by Master+ - 31/3/2009, 14:44
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